Waiting List Policy
Policy Statement
Allegan County Medical Care Community maintains an Admissions Waiting List for residents who require nursing home placement for both skilled and basic levels of care. This policy is designed to ensure equal access to ACMCC services. Prospective residents are not denied admission based on the individual’s race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or ability to pay.
Policy Interpretation and Implementation
The waiting list is designed on a first come basis. Each application for admission is dated. This date determines the sequence for admission priority. A Waiting List application form must be received by the ACMCC to be added to the list.
An Active and an Inactive waiting list are maintained by the Social Services team. Prospective residents on the waiting list but not currently seeking admission are maintained on the Inactive list. As their desire for admission becomes more urgent, they are moved to the active list by keeping the social services staff informed of their status.
Applicants are considered for placement based on one of the three priorities below based on their current living status, medical condition and rehabilitation needs. The priorities are summarized as follows:
Priority 1 (Served first): Applicants currently in an acute care hospital referred by the hospital itself.
Priority 2 (Served after Priority 1): Applicants at home, in adult foster care or assisted living facilities. These applicants must provide ACMCC with:
A physician’s written referral for nursing home placement that includes current diagnoses and medications, including dosage and route of administration.
A recent history and physical examination by the referring physician.
The most recent chest X-ray report (Must be within 90 days of admission).
A pre-admission screening (Form DCH-3877) completed by the referring physician.
Priority 3 (served after Priorities 1 and 2): Applicants currently in a nursing home who desire to transfer to ACMCC.
Note: An applicant’s priority may change repeatedly while waiting for a vacancy, depending on their current status. For example, an applicant may be transferred from a nursing facility (Priority 3) to a hospital. This would move that particular applicant into priority 1. If the same applicant is then transferred back to the nursing home, but still wishes to transfer to the ACMCC when a vacancy becomes available, the applicant returns to Priority 3.